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South Africa's Premier Lifting and Earthmoving Machine Training Services Provider (LAEMTSA)
* 012 - 004 0040 * 013 - 004 0586 * 021 - 300 3894 *
* 015 - 004 0805 * 058 - 004 0006 * 022 - 125 0601 *
Your Powerhouse Training Service Provider Nationwide
Construct and Maintain Roads in Surface Excavations
Responsible Sector Education Training Authority or SETA:
The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA
SAQA Unit Standard (US) Code: 336961
NQF Level 04
Number of Credits = 7
Field 06 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology
Construct and Maintain Roads in Surface Excavations
​Insert text for Unit Standard. (We are upgrading our website, the information for this Unit Standard will follow in due course)
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