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  • First Aid Level 2

    While First Aid Level 1 is a useful skill to have it is just the foundation. Using the core skills from level 1 training can continue in levels 2 & 3. For those who work in or are around areas where there is a high likeliness of accidents it is encouraged for level 2 training to be done. In many industries it is compulsory for certain individuals to continue their first aid training to level 2. When this training is completed a certificate is awarded to show that the training has been completed. The training for level 2 is more intense than level 1 and is usually done over the course of a few days. During this training, the following situations are covered. - A review of level 1. - A detailed overview of spinal injuries and how to properly immobilize an individual who has experienced trauma that may have injured the spine. - How to assess and treat a variety of chest injuries including rib fractures and life-threatening injuries such as a gunshot or stabbing wound. - Another injury covered by level 2 training is eye injuries which discusses the types of injuries and basic treatment. - Pelvic and abdominal injuries that can range from minor trauma that requires interventional surgery to sever life-threatening trauma that requires internal bleeding to be slowed. - The different types of injuries that can occur in various environments. Including spots and lifestyle activities such as camping where there is possible exposure to hazardous temperature changes. - Being in a country with a variety of animals that are considered dangerous; such as scorpions, snakes, blue bottles and bees, level 2 training provides training on how to correctly treat a bite/sting to slow down the effects until professional help arrives. - Poisoning is a risk in environment where working with hazardous chemicals, during training the correct methods of handling poisoning are covered. - Other medical emergencies are also covered. These include epileptic seizures and other conditions that can cause convulsions. For these types of emergencies, the basic lifesaving procedures are taught. It is recommended that level 2 training be done within 3 years of completion of level 1 training to ensure you are up to date on training and stay qualified to help in any emergency situation that may arise.

  • First Aid Level 1

    First aid is an important skill that most people should have. It is an unfortunate reality that accidents will always occur. For anyone who experiences an accident, whether they are involved or merely a bystander, it is an unpleasant experience. As a bystander it can be even more unpleasant if you are unable to do anything can create a feeling of helplessness. Having even a basic understanding of First Aid can change the situation. With a basic practical understanding of first aid a bystander can help an injured individual until emergency personal can get there. Many people underestimate the importance of first aid experience. The major benefits cannot be overestimated as they can give the person who needs help valuable time until the professionals can get there. In some cases, a person may ingest a substance that is potentially hazardous or is experiencing a serious issue, such as a heart attack. In these situations, having knowledge of first aid can let a bystander turn into a support person. When an accident occurs, or health issue arises there will always be bystanders wanting to help. However, majority of people do not know the correct actions that need to happen to help the individual who is in trouble. With first aid experience you can ensure that the correct actions are taken. First Aid is split into three different levels, with each level creating more in-depth knowledge of various emergency situations. The first level sets the groundwork for critical skills and knowledge on how to handle different emergencies. Certain industries require their employees to complete the different levels of first aid, although it is dependent on the industry as to what level should be completed. There are a variety of places to do training, however, there is always a combination of written and practical exercises that need to be completed. The first level of first aid training aims to cover the basic knowledge required in emergency situations. While different courses will differ slightly the overall curriculum will be the same. The overview of level one is as follows: - An introduction and basic principles aimed at providing the base knowledge on why first aid is important and how to protect yourself physically and legally. - An understanding of the different anatomy that makes up the human body along with the terminology. - How to assess the individual requiring attention and the surroundings. - How to perform resuscitation on adults and children. Also, how to treat an individual who is struggling to breathe due to having their air ways blocked. - A basic knowledge of wounds and bleeding with the correct way to prevent blood loss in a safe manner. - Assessment and treatment of different types of burns. - How to identify and stabalise fractures and sprains. - The basic procedures and steps to take when a head or spinal injury has occurred, and the shock that results from this. All of these topics will be covered in a course and assessed before you can go out feeling prepared to help in various emergency situations. This level only covers the basic knowledge and if you want to further your abilities and knowledge it is required that you also do the level 2 & 3 courses.

  • Agricultural Machine Training

    The agricultural industry is the "proverbial bread / food basket" of South Africa and forms the backbone of our country's existence. Agricultural machines therefore plays a pivotal role in the harvesting of almost all our crops, and the machine operator, operating these sometimes highly technical machines, is therefore at the forefront of making food produce in our country possible, not just for local consumption but also aiding in the exports of countless fresh produce products abroad. Go back to the HomePage: #MiningMachinesandMiningMethodsTraining, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • Mining Machines and Mining Methods Training

    The Mining Industry is a vast and complicated sector and hence training in this environment takes years and years of accumulated mining experience. We pride ourselves in having access to and employing the most brilijant MQA Assessors and no training request is to big or too small for our team of professionals. Go back to the HomePage: #MiningMachinesandMiningMethodsTraining, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • Forestry Machines Training (FP&M)

    Lifting and Earthmoving Machine Training South Africa offers an array of Unit Standards to The Fibre Processing and Manufacturing (FP&M) SETA. Our main core of Unit Standards can be listed as follows, and we specialise in them all: Go back to the HomePage: #ForestryMachinesTraining, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • Earthmoving / Construction Machines Training (CETA)

    When it comes to training on Earthmoving and or Construction Machines / Equipment, you have come to the right place. We are accredited for a number of Earthmoving Machines and regard ourselves as expert trainers on all types of Earthmoving Machines, Nationwide. Go back to the HomePage: #EarthmovingConstructionMachinesTraining, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • Lifting Machines | Counterbalance | Forklift Training (TETA)

    What makes a good Forklift operator / driver and how do I become one? Go back to the HomePage: #LiftingMachines, #Counterbalance, #ForkliftTraining, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • Safety, Health and Environment Representative (SHE REP) / SHE Representatives

    Training your SHE Representative with us will provide a sound basis for the following outcomes: COURSE Overview This course lays out the basic legal criteria for members of SHE, SHE commissions, inspectors, employers and employees. Effectively engage in SHE Checks and Board Procedures. SHE On-the-job procedures. Identify Risks. UPDATE Go back to the HomePage: #SafetyHealthandEnvironmentRepresentativeSHEREPSHERepresentative, #lLiftngAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • First Aid Training - Level 1, 2 & 3

    Attention Employers! Did you know it is the Law to ensure you comply and appoint competent and trained first aiders in your workplace? Go back to the HomePage: #FirstAidTrainingLevel1, #FirstAidTrainingLevel2, #FirstAidTrainingLevel3, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

  • Basic Firefighting

    When it comes to fighting a fire to save lives, we need trained and skilled workplace firefighters. Did you know you as employer are culpable if you do not meet the minimum requirements when it comes to appointing fire fighting marshalls in your workplace. Train your personnel against the right Unit Standards and by an Accredited Training company and ensure you meet the minimum requirements prescribed by Law. Go back to the HomePage: #BasicFireFighting, #LiftingAndEarthmovingMachineTrainingSouthAfrica, #Mining, #MQA, #Forestry, #FP&M, #Construction, #CETA, #Transport, #TETA, #Earthmoving, #Training, #SouthAfrica #Lifting #Logging #Agricultural #Agri

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